Procedures and policies

Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilization,
The college has well-established machinery in place for maintenance of campus
facilities. This is primarily achieved through the monitoring of various committees like
Academic Council, Planning Board, Building Committee, Purchase Committee and IeAC with
necessary support systems.
For the purchase institute has a commiftee. The committee have the followins
procedure for purchasing any ofthe following.
Committee call for the tender for the items which is going to purchase.
When tender arrive all the committee member sign on it and open it.
Then compare all the tender according to their prize and mac.
The committee decided to give order to lowest prize company.
The maintenance ofvarious buildings are achieved through periodic monitoring by the
building committee and devising suitable proposal.
Annual Stock verification for each department.
Allocation ofadequate budget for annual maintenance ofcollege infrastructure.
Sufficient support staff is appointed to upkeep infrastructure
Scheduled Maintenance and Repair of physical infrastruoture, like painting, roof
Provisions of Classroorn Maintenance including furniture, doors and windows
A computer instructor appointed by Management maintains Major ICT instruments.
Regular electrician decided by Management solved electricity related problems.
ACs and Water Coolers are regularly serviced.
Plumbing maintenance and repair, including water supply and tube well done whenevei
it required by professional Plumber.
Mechanical equipment and lab equipment are repaired periodically.
Adequate protective measures like UPS, antivirus, firewalls, CCTV cameras.
The water tanks are cleaned regularly.
A cost effective approach is followed in the laboratory network maintenance strategies.
Annual stock verification of chemicals and glassware.
The equipment and instruments are maintained by hiring services as and when required.
lab Equipment are repaired periodically.
The SOP for highly sophisticated equipment established and followed regularly.
. Refurbishing oflaboratory equipment is done at regular intervals.
. Calibration oflaboratory equipment done regularly.
. Wastage from laboratories is minimized using green protocol and reuse solvents.
Wastewater of Chemistry Labs is collected and converted into clean water by Treatment
o For voltage fluctuation the institution uses voltage stabilizer and UPS.
o The institution has facility of mineral drinking water.
o All the valuable instruments, equipment and chemicals have separate space in specific
. There are ELCB switches in all laboratories as a safeguard for instruments
o Fire extinguishers are provided to every buildings and labs for safety purpose.
o The college has a comprehensive lT policy regarding service, data, and network
. The college has a mechanism ofadopting free software and anti- piracy protocol
. Computer Instructor addresses internet broadband connectivity and Wi-Fi problems.
. The use of Internet facilities are distributed secured and monitored bv Cvber Roam
o ln order to minimize e-waste, computers are serviced and reused as far as possible.
. The Dynamic College Website, College Android App, INTRANET facility are
maintained by appointed Computer lnstructor.
o The library is automated regularly through software SOUL 2.0
o Maintenance and digitizing of rare books, back volumes, manuscripts and reports with
special care.
o IT infrastructure are maintained regularly.
. OPAC system for book search has been devised and regularly updated.
. Physical Director and Sports Committee monitor the maintenance of Sports Facilities.
. Regular maintenance ofsports equipment.
o Regular inspection and maintenance ofsports fields and play Grounds.
o Giving top priority to the safety ofthe players by renewing protective guards.
. The equipment in Indoor and Outdoor Gymnasium are regularly serviced and purchase
new ones whenever reouired.